There are all sorts of things you are going to have to concern yourself with when a loved one passed on and you are arranging cremation services in Phoenix, AZ with them. First and foremost, you will want to take care of their needs and make sure your family is also getting what they need to grieve. But at some point, your loved one’s social media and your own account might cross your mind. You are free to do what you please with whatever you can access, but the cremation providers have some suggestions that will help you navigate smoothly without offense.

Try To Gain Access To Your Loved One’s Account

If you have your loved one’s passwords, that can make it very easy for you to get ahold of their account. You can then sign in, check their messages, answer them to tell those who have written that they have passed, and possibly even post information about their death, like their obituary. This can be a good way for you to reach people that you didn’t know your loved one knew. If you don’t have passwords, you can still get access, but it’s not always easy.

Don’t Post Immediately

Whether you have your loved one’s account under your control, or just your own, don’t feel like you have to post anything at all right after your loved one has passed on. You will want to inform the people closest to your family member by phone and in person first. You shouldn’t feel like anyone has to find out over social media first if they really deserved a call. Leave the post for the last resort after most everyone knows.

Consider Posting The Obituary

It can be hard to decide what to say about your loved one on social media and the beauty of having an obituary is you can just post that and let it speak for itself. That piece will work as a death announcement and will let everyone know about the services, the death, what your family wants, and so on.

Social Media Suggestions Around Cremation Services 300x175Don’t Stress About Answering

If you post the obituary or something else, you might be flooded with comments from friends who write something to that post. But you don’t have to feel like individual answers are necessary. You can comment at the bottom of the post, eventually, and give a blanket thank you to everyone for their thoughts and leave it at that. Trying to comment on everyone’s message can be strenuous for you and you really don’t need more to handle right now.

There are plenty of things you might do with social media around cremation services in Phoenix, AZ, like post pictures and memories, and the professionals at Thompson Funeral Chapel can offer ideas and suggestions if you need help in that area. Give us a call for any information you need around the cremation, whether it’s where to find the right urn, suggestions for scattering location, or social media insights, we are here to help.

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