Bury cremated remains in a cemetery plot or in your backyard. The rules for burial and the cost of purchasing a grave plot vary from one location to another. If you want to bury cremated remains on private property, you will likely need to get a permit from your local government. Learn how to bury cremated remains with this basic guide.

  • Choose a burial location – this can be in a cemetery, at home, or in another special place
  • Talk to the funeral home about your options for cremated remains
  • Purchase an urn or other container to hold the ashes
  • Decide if you want to bury the urn with the remains or keep it somewhere else
  • Bury the urn according to local laws and regulations

How much does it cost to bury cremated ashes?

There is no one answer to how much it costs to bury cremated ashes. The cost can vary depending on things like the location of the burial site, what type of container you choose for the ashes, and whether you choose a traditional burial or cremation service. Generally speaking, burying cremated ashes is cheaper than having a traditional funeral service. This is because you don’t need to pay for a casket or embalming, and the body doesn’t have to be transported.

Can you bury cremated remains?

You can bury cremated remains in the ground. They need to be in a waterproof and sturdy container. It is a good idea to bury it at least two feet underground. Check with your local cemetery or funeral home for instructions on how to do this properly.

How many cremated remains can be buried in one grave?

There is no set answer to this question as it depends on the size and shape of the grave, as well as the weight of the remains. However, a general estimate would be that four to six cremated remains can be buried in one grave.

Reasons To Bury Cremated Remains

Once cremation services in Phoenix, AZ are complete, your family is free to do whatever kind of memorial they want. You can also choose between a variety of different final resting places. Scattering the ashes is probably the most popular option, but many people keep their loved one in an urn in the home while others bury the ashes. Here are a few reasons why burial might feel like the right choice to you.

Reason 1: Everyone Has A Place To Visit

When you bury your loved one’s ashes, that’s where they will always be. Everyone in your family can visit them in that location whenever they want to in the future. If you place them in an urn garden in the cemetery, there will likely be a headstone or marker there as well, reminding everyone who is at rest in that small plot. It’s nice that all of your family members have a spot to go remember the person all of you lost.

Reason 2: The Remains Are Safe

When you bury a loved one’s remains inside an urn, it might even be surrounded by a vault, which is required by many cemeteries today. Their remains are safe and sound far into the distant future. You don’t have to worry about anything happening to them and it’s nice to know they are protected.

Reason 3: A Permanent Memorial

While you can do anything you want for a memorial after your loved one is in their final resting place, burying their remains gives you an easy permanent memorial to place. If you scatter ashes, you can plant a tree, buy a bench, or do anything else you want. With burial, you will place a headstone or plaque of some short that indicates where your loved one is buried so that your family, and everyone else, knows exactly where they are. It can also tell their birth and death dates and a few other small facts, if you wish.

Burying Cremated Remains 1Reason 4: It’s Cost Efficient

While scattering ashes can be free, as it keeping ashes in your home, buying a small urn plot in a cemetery doesn’t cost as much as you might think. You are getting peace of mind about your loved one’s safety and permanent position as well and that can be very effective for your family. Look into the prices if you are thinking of the option before you rule it out.

There are lots of things you can do for final resting places around cremation services in Phoenix, AZ after a loved one has been cremated. Keep in mind that there is no timeline on the decision, either. Once your loved one is cremated, you can bury them at any time in the future. You can hang onto their ashes for a while after the services to see if that’s really what you want to do. It’s completely up to you, but the professionals at Thompson Funeral Chapel are here to help you figure out what option fits your family the best.

Cremated Remains FAQs

Can you bury cremated remains in a cemetery?

There are different ways to bury cremated remains. You can bury them in a cemetery, but there are some restrictions. For example, you might need to buy a burial plot and have an urn or other container for the remains. You may also need to get a permit from the cemetery. Some cemeteries have special sections for cremated remains, while others allow them to be buried with full-body burials. Be sure to check with your local cemetery to find out what their rules are.

Where do you bury cremated remains?

There are many options for burying cremated remains. One option is to bury them in a cemetery plot or urn garden. Another option is to scatter the ashes in a place that was special to the deceased. Some people choose to keep the ashes in an urn, while others choose to distribute them in several different places.

What is in cremated remains?

Most of the dry calcium phosphates found in cremated remains come from small minerals like sodium and potassium. When the process happens, sulfur and most of the carbon turn into gases, but 1-4% of the carbon stays as carbonate.

Is it okay to keep cremated remains?

There is no one right answer to this question. People have different opinions on the matter. Some people think it is okay to keep cremated remains, while others believe it is not respectful. It is up to each individual to decide what they think is best.

People choose to keep cremated remains because it keeps a physical connection to the deceased. Some people see it as a way of preserving the body after death. It can also be comforting for those who have lost a loved one.

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