The world is a totally different place right now than it was, even a month ago. People are holing up in their houses, quarantining and isolating. Groups larger than 10 are not permitted to gather. Offices are clearing out and workers are doing what they can from home. Parents are now teachers since schools are out for the year. It’s a strange time in history. If you have someone in your family pass on while all this is going on, it can feel like an insurmountable task to have final services for them. In these cases, cremation services in Phoenix, AZ might be the answer. Cremation is easier during this timeframe than alternative options and here’s why:

Service Timelines Are Gone

When someone passes on, there’s a timeline that starts. You have to figure out what you want to do for their disposition relatively quickly. But if you choose cremation, that stops the timeline. The cremation can happen after the paperwork is in order and then, you can do whatever you want for a memorial service at any time. Many people have taken advantage of this option so they can put off the services until things open up again and they are able to gather with loved ones to honor their family member in the manner in which they feel best about.

Cremation Services in Phoenix AZ 04Ashes Can Be Shared

Since your family can’t all be together right now, one way to honor your loved one is by moving forward with cremation and then sharing their ashes among family groups. Each sibling, for example, could have some of the ashes and conduct their own small service within their immediate family at home. You can do something larger later, but having something right away can be important to some people. Everyone can have some of the ashes to honor their loved one in a certain manner, if you wish.

Plans Are Lessened

It’s hard enough to organize final services in a normal, everyday world. But now? It feels downright impossible. But creating plans for a cremation is simple and easy. It can be done online and/or on the phone without any contact. The professionals will care for your love one with dignity and respect and make the process as easy as possible on you. Then, you get their remains back in a simple container or the urn you have chosen and you can decide what to do from there.

While it’s never a good time to lose a loved one, the timing right now feels even harsher than average. Going with cremation services in Phoenix, AZ might be the best fit for your family when someone passes on. IT can simplify the process and open options you wouldn’t have otherwise. Call Thompson Funeral Chapel when your loved one passes on and we will take care of transporting them from the place of their death to our facilities. We will then care for them as you discuss with your family what you want to do next.

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Thompson Funeral Chapel